BMW i3 REx One Year Review

Delivery day: May 21st, 2014 Well that went by fast. After waiting patiently for years for BMW to bring the "Megacity" car, their first production electric vehicle to market, my first year of ownership really flew by quickly. On May 21st of last year I was the first i3 REx delivery in the US. My one year review is about a month late, but that has only given me some more time to gather my thoughts about it. About a month into ownership last year, I authored two posts dedicated to my initial likes and dislikes . Many of those initial thoughts still hold true, but I've also had some changes of opinion as well as discovering new annoyances and new attributes which I appreciate. One of the few pictures I have of my car in its real color; Laurel Grey. I wrapped it red the first week I had it. Overall I'm very happy with my i3 and there isn't another car I'd prefer to have. It really suits my needs while offering the perfect balance of performance, utility, comfort ...